Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Post 8

Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
In part 1 of this video Richard Miller is talking about how when he was younger he would read books all the time and thought that his life would pretty much always revolve around books in some way.  He was right he is still a published writer but his books and publishing's are on the Internet.  He talked about how he did a article about the Virgina Tech shootings and never even had to step foot into a library.  This first video was an eye opener of seeing where research and publishing's are heading and are at now.
In part 2 of this video he is talking about the present and the future of obtaining information and using it.  The part of this video that I thought was most interesting was when he talked about ideas.  I think it is a great point he made that as educators our ideas are not just ours, but that they need to be shared.  If we were always to keep our ideas to ourselves then we could miss out on a large opportunity to make something more interesting to a lot of people.  He talked about making things creative I think technology can help us with that.  Like he said he could of put his idea down in text and it would have taken it two years to get going, but because it was visual and compelling it was pretty much a hit automatically.  This way of publishing and teaching is happening now even though some people think it is the future.
I think being able to write with multimedia is something that will always take some kind of training and learning.  I think this class has shown us just how fast technology changes from a day to day bases.  I would like to think that I will be able to write with multimedia and learn throughout my career the ways I can enhance my ideas and writings using it.  I do think that the students I teach one day will be using this style over plan text style.  Being able to write with multimedia will help the students become prepared for the future and help them grow technologically.

Is EDM310 Different
I thought these two videos were great.  The overall concept of the videos was showing us how EDM310 can help us in a lot of different areas.  I idea that I have for a video of this nature would be to compare and contrast the lives of a technologically literate person and a person who has no desire to want to know anything about technology.  It could show the course of there college years through getting a job.  It could show a overall outcome for the two people.  I think this would be a funny but interesting video.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I think the argument in this video is correct.  The way the education world teaches need a much needed makeover.  The students that we teach will be using so many different technology devices out of school and they are not allowed to use anything but mainly books, paper, and pencils in school.  It seems that the students have an overall interest in technology so I say why not us it to our advantage.  I know there is the whole money issue and things cost money.  If we put money to better use than for example, standardized testings which students really don't care anything about and they cost a lot of money, then maybe schools could afford more things.  Who knows what the education world would be like if we became up to date with the times.

The Secret Powers of Time by Philip Zambardo 
and Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us 
by David Pink
These two videos were basically talking about society.  In "The Secret Powers of Time" it was talking about how as Americans we focus so much on getting things done that we forget about friend, family, and sleep.  We think time is precious and it should not be wasted in any way.  It also talked about how students today play a lot of video games which is rewiring there brains.  This causes them not to succeed well in the way schools are set up today, which in turn makes them dropout.  It shows how focused we are on the future that sometimes we forget the past.  
In "The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us"  it was talking about how when offered a large incentive usually our work performance goes down.  It was talking about how when given the option to just take the pressure off of doing a assignment then the overall outcome was much better.  The study shows that is was not just the case for American but world wide.  
I feel these messages described the growth in people's education and their drive for success in many ways.  The fist thing is that we need to think more about the type of students we teach and less about standards.  If we do this then chances are the students outcome could benefit from it.  It also shows us no matter what kind of reward we can come up with sometimes just letting the students be themselves is the best thing for the job.  We need to think about where these students come from and use that information.  It needs to be less about do this and you will get this and more about them being creative and see what they can come up with.  I know personally I was more pleased with myself on a project when I felt there was not a lot of pressure on me and usually the outcome was better than when I felt the pressure.  I thought these were great videos to watch.


change exit sign


  1. You are correct. We could use the money we have more effectively. Especially by moving from standardized testes to technology.

  2. Hey Shaska,
    First off your blog looks great! I know I'm a little late.. but anyway I thought your comment was very true and I agree. We need to always remember that it is about the student and if we need to change our teaching style hen we need to do whatever it takes to accomodate the student. Anyway keep up the great work.
