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Summary of Beth Still's post made on November 29:
This post Beth was trying to figure out a way to keep her students on track with their project being that last quarter 12 out of 38 failed the course because of this project. Then writes about how the previous quarter it was up to her students to get the work done on time, but this quarter she is making it a step-by-step system so the students could not move on to the next step until completing the previous one. She even went to the lengths of using a sticky note system to inform students that there work was late. Beth was wondering if she was doing to much for her student.Summary of my comment #1 to the post made on November 29:
I commented on how I did not think she was doing to much for her students. I thought what she was doing to keep her students on track and engaged was a great idea. I commented on how she just wanted her students to succeed and that there was nothing wrong with that. I told her that that you don't know the background of everyone's life, but sometimes people just need a push in the right direction to get back on the right path.Summary of Beth Still's Post Made On November 4:
This post Beth was writing about teaching kids in poverty. She was writing how she was an Social Studies teacher at a alternative education school, and how much she enjoyed doing it. She was asking for opinions on how to handle the classroom setting such as coming up with class rules, how flexible or strict do things need to be, and what is the best way to keep your students motivated.Summary of my comment #2 to the post made on November 4:
I commented on how I have not personally taught "at risk" students in the classroom setting, but I have done volunteer work with "at risk" children. I wrote how it was a very exciting thing to see a child that has no goals actually start to reach for one. I commented on how the "at risk" children I worked with did not come from the best support systems at home. I made the point sometimes people just need something to work towards. I thanked her for her post, I really enjoyed reading it.
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